Proton BKK
We provide an online platform for creative submissions including art, music, photography, dance and other creative works such as crafts.
Our main aim is to publish submissions on our website and instagram to promote positivity (or merely just make people feel happy and smile)
We are doing this because we believe that the current events of 2020 have made everything disappointing for several people, so if there is some organisation where you can find positive messages rather than facts for some time, it would hopefully help make it easier for people to deal mentally and emotionally with the situation.
Everyone can contribute by sending in submissions in the available categories or taking part in our themed events.
Our themed events usually celebrate international holidays such as the World Youth Skills Day where we interview Youths, but we are planning to have more events which require even more interactions.
Our next event is International Friendship Day, and do not fear - there are many more to come. Often with these events, we partner up with other organisations to expand their impact - contact us if you're interested!

Contact Us:
Instagram: @proton.bkk

The submission requirements of one of our many categories (see the rest on our instagram!)
Our first ever event - celebrating World Youth Skills Day. Join us for more to come in the future!
We offer certificates of commitment as well as reference letters for our dedicated contributors