Team Hand in Hand
We are a student-led organization with the goal of raising public awareness and understanding of social and environmental issues in Thailand.
One of the biggest aspects of this aim is to raise awareness and educate young citizens about global goals (specifically 4 - quality education, 5 - gender equality, 10 - reduced inequalities, and 13 - climate action) in order to notify them about the current state of the Earth, and help them learn to live a sustainable lifestyle with us.
We are successfully achieving this by educating children​ from​ foundations​ and​ students​ from​ our​ school​ about​ the global​ goals. Collaborating with Team ECO​ E.D.U​ and Baan Nokkamin​ Foundation has also​ helped us develop our project even further and raise even more awareness. A lot of our ways to raise money have been more school-based than public, such as our bake sales. However, we share a lot of the activities and information we learn through our organisation and interview on our instagram, which hopefully acts as inspiration for everyone to join in with the different ways you can fundraise yourself and also develop more sustainable hobbies and habits.

Contact Us:
Instagram: @team_handinhand (just DM us for collaboration!)

A 5,000 baht donation which we raised from one of our bake sales to Baan Nokkamin Foundation
Our written Report for the Global Social Leaders competition showcasing our journey and achievements (page 1)
(page 2)
We were honoured to be part of the few semi-finalists in the GSL competition 2020!