UnShackled Thailand
A non-profit organization fighting against gender-based violence in Thailand to create a safer and happier society. We hope to highlight the spectrum of violence that occurs in order to foster a greater understanding of these issues, while creating a healthier community that is supportive of victims of violence.
On our website, we publish opinion articles and interviews by different people speaking on different aspects of this topic - they're all really insightful, important and inspiring to read - you can find our #Speak page here. Whenever a new article is published, we also update you on instagram, so follow us!
Our other projects:
Our Discussion Circles - these are safe spaces where students 14 and above can gather to discuss issues surrounding the theme of gender-based violence. You can expect to engage in intellectual discussions, facilitated by one of our UnShackled team members, alongside other passionate individuals. (Check our website for the next one)
The UnShackled Forum - A one day gender-based violence law conference in Bangkok packed with exciting workshops in Thai from renowned speakers. (Deadline for registration now closed, but keep an eye out for more of these events)
The Seri Initiative (month-long initiative of July 2020) - bringing to you the best of what college admissions counseling has to offer; we provide admissions support (standardized testing support, interview preparation etc.) in both the form of online zoom panels to private 1 on 1 sessions (see prices in gallery below). All the money goes towards the Freedom Restoration Project of Selah Center, to provide a safe space to victims of domestic violence, giving them a community and security, allowing them the freedom to begin managing their own lives.
Donation information:
K Bank
Account number: 748 2 80828 4
Account name: Karuna Taesopapong
Other ways to get involved:
Beyond monetary donations, we value the contribution of valuable time. If you are in Thailand and are interested in our work, please consider helping us out, and get in touch. We have opportunities ranging from organising events, editing articles to managing our social media presence.
Contact Us:
Instagram: @unshackledth
Email: unshackledthailand@gmail.com
Facebook: @theseriinitiative
Website: www.unshackledth.com
Seri Initiative info (What we offer)
Seri Initiative info (Prices)
Seri Initiative info (How it works)
Seri Initiative info (Where the money goes to)
On our instagram we also recommend lots of other foundations to donate to and also hotlines for victims to call